Get to Know a Few AS Organizations


Straight from the organizations themselves, meet some of The Bottom Line’s fellow BCCs under Associated Students, and learn how you can become involved.


The AS Student Commission on Racial Equality (SCORE) is a body funded by the UCSB undergraduates concerned with providing a positive and comfortable learning environment for persons from diverse and underrepresented social backgrounds. SCORE’s purpose is to confront and proactively resolve issues of ethnicity-related concerns and create and promote programs to educate the student body on issues concerning the campus and community that affect students of UCSB. Our big project planned for Fall Quarter is preparing for and organizing a delegation for the annual Student of Color Conference. Be sure to keep an eye out for applications! Get involved with SCORE by attending our meetings and participating this Fall, Tuesdays at 6pm (location TBA). Check out our website ( and our Facebook page ( for updates and announcements, or e-mail if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!


Since the 2003-2004 school year, UC tuition has increased from $4,984 to $12,192. Want to do somehing about this Consider joining AS Student Lobby. Student Lobby is the official avenue in which students train to be effective lobbyists, working with state  and federal legislators, political officials, the media, and various UC staff members, administrators, and organizations. Through Student Lobby, students develop a thorough knowledge of the governing structure of the state, including the California State Assembly, Senate, various committees, current elected representatives, and current legislative policies regarding the status of Higher Education and most significantly, the state budget. Members of Student Lobby take upon themselves primary ownership of the implementation process of all  campaigns, which further develops their skills, knowledge, and passion needed to pursue a career in public policy and  political/legislative affairs.

1st Year Opportunities
This year, Student Lobby will be implementing a Liaison program and we are looking for dedicated students to help be liaisons to other organizations on campus. With the Liaison program we hope to achieve coalition buildings with other social justice groups to create awareness on issues affecting all students. In the upcoming Fall Quarter, Student Lobby will hold its annual GrassRoots Organizing Weekend which is a three day training for student organizers that wish to learn strategic ways to fight for justice on campus and in the community. In the Winter Quarter, Student Lobby will be hosting its annual Student Lobby Conference where a delegation of UCSB students will join other UC students at the capitol to lobby representatives to support students on issues that are important to us. Throughout the year there will also be constant lobbying opportunities to meet with local representatives to create strong alliances. 1st years are strongly encouraged to apply to our Liaison program on our website as well as all of our conferences! Send an email to to be on our list serve and check out our website


Queer Commission is an educational, activist, and advocacy group for all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and Ally identified individuals. From weekly meetings to larger events and projects like instituting gender neutral restrooms and combatting homophobia in policies and campus communities, this Associated Students entity welcomes all students with goals varying from changing the world to making friends and fostering community. For more information check out our facebook at or email us at

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