UCSB Wind Ensemble


Krissy Reyes-Ortiz

The UCSB Wind Ensemble performed its Annual Fall Concert on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall. Led by Director Paul Bambach, the night consisted of performances by prominent composers from different parts of the world.

The show opened with a classical rendition of the Star Spangled Banner followed by a piece titled “Fanfare for the Great Hall” by composer Jack Stamp and concluded with “Fall Dances” by denounced Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich.

Divided in half by a short intermission, the concert was complemented with short pieces of helpful introductions by Bambach.

“The shows don’t always have a theme. The class starts anew every quarter, so I have to consider the strengths and weaknesses of that particular class, said Bambach.

“ I always provide oral program notes, aside from the technical reasons, mostly because I enjoy connecting and interacting with the audience.”

These brief interludes of information were aimed at accenting the concert experience and illustrating for audience members a vivid and enlightening image that would make them better able to connect with the bold, lively, and vibrant pieces of the night.

Tami Busia, Ensemble Band Bassoon player and second year Music major at UCSB said, “People don’t understand how hard putting it all together is and getting everyone to play together as an ensemble. I hope the audience enjoyed the concert and had a fun enjoyable evening.”

Fellow Ensemble Band member and third year Trombone Performance Music major Jason Elliott also said, “We put in so much music from different cultures, that we hope to just have the audience be exposed to it and hopefully inspire a type of connection with the audience.”

To catch a captivating UCSB Wind Ensemble show during the upcoming year, please visit music.ucsb.edu/NEW_MUSIC_SITE/InstrumentalGroups.htm for show dates and general information.

Photo By: Yunji Kim