Murder In Goleta Hospitalizes UCSB Student


Ashley Golden
Staff Writer

Heidi Nicole Hubrecht, 23, was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend, Luis Avila DeDios, 23, in her Goleta apartment in the Camino De Vida/San Gordiano area between the late night of April 12 and the early morning of April 13.

DeDios also critically wounded one of Hubrecht’s roommates, University of California Santa Barbara communications major Amanda, 21, and then killed himself. The bodies were discovered by sheriff’s deputies at 2:32 a.m. on Friday, April 13.

Details are still being gathered, but it appears Hubrecht breaking off an 18-month relationship with DeDios, due to abuse in the relationship, was the catalyst for the attack. DeDios allegedly used a hunting knife on his assault, and the cause of death and injury being cited is severe lacerations.

Amanda suffered from a punctured lung and was recently released from the hospital.

Another female roommate, 23, was present at the time, however she was asleep in another room of the apartment and was not part of the incident.

An official Coroner’s report of cause of death has not yet been released.