In Photos – Epic Swell Provides Endless Run to Kick Off Winter Quarter


Photos by Lukas Olesinski

Written by Daniela Schwartz

After an impressive few weeks of waves, assignments and lectures replaced with lengthy surf sessions are finally readdressed as the swell fades away. Student surfers opened their laptops for what feels like the first time this quarter, and reminisced about the chest-to-head high waves that blessed the Santa Barbara coastline during the first three weeks of the quarter. 

From Campus Point to far-down Sands Beach, waves could be found. Even Dreamies provided its perfectly-peeling rights and lefts when the tide was just right. What more, surfers could even swap out their logs for shorter boards at Devereux, an opportunity that presents itself far too little. While most students took advantage of the waves right in their backyards, others traveled down the coast to enjoy the county’s more famous breaks like Rincon.

Although we will dream for more sunny days with epic waves, for now we will rest our tired arms and sunburnt faces, and relive what may have been the best swell of the year.