Upcoming Performance Will “Bathe” Santa Barbara in Electronic Beats


Katie McClain

Get ready to get “bathed” with electronic beats and self-discovery at an upcoming show this weekend in downtown Santa Barbara. We the Beat, a collective of people attempting to introduce uncharted artists that push the boundaries of pop and underground culture, will be presenting Baths at the music venue SoHo in Santa Barbara from 9 p.m.- 1:30 a.m. this Saturday, Jun. 3. The event will be one-man-bander Will Wiesenfeld’s only West Coast performance.

Baths is an American-electronic musician, dubbed “L.A.’s biggest new electronica musician” by Southern California station KPCC in 2010. Hailing from Los Angeles, the now twenty-eight-year-old Wiesenfeld convinced his parents to enroll him in piano lessons when he was a mere four-year-old. By the time he was thirteen, he was creating his own music with his computer. For years, Wiesenfeld recorded and self-released albums under the moniker [Post-Foetus], and later on, released his side-project “Geotic.” For a while, Wiesenfeld happily lived in obscurity; but with his first album, Cerulean, released in 2010, he flew to popularity.

As Baths creates more albums, his tracks have become increasingly better produced. Clearer vocals add a sensitive touch to his brand of electronic music. In his latest album, Obsidian, Wiesenfeld allows his vocals to play on an even field with the instrumentals instead of masking them as he did in previous albums. This has the effect of creating a more vulnerable piece that seems to present him as he truly is. Obsidian comes from a darker place in Wiesenfeld’s life  a time during which he was bedridden with E. coli and felt restrained not only by his body, but by his music as well. Wiesenfeld felt his hit album, Cerulean, didn’t represent his true artistry, and instead simply pigeonholed him as a “DJ.”

From previous performances, one can expect a couple of surprises from Baths, as he brings along a man to assist him in beats and they often perform impromptu tunes. Some reviews describe Baths’ performances as hectic, with him running back and forth between his electronic systems, piano, and mic. Other reviews describe the concerts as one for the more developed listener, as his concerts are not necessarily a pleasant experience due to Wiesenfeld’s high-pitched vocals but captivate with intricate instrumentals worthy of respect. Accounts on Baths’ performances all agree that his music is controversial among the crowds but none doubt the depth and experimental aspects of his art that make for a unique concert-going experience.

Baths presents a new perspective on the electronica genre, and gives fellow musicians the courage to expand their artistry and not bow to easy popularity with catchy, shallow beats unrepresentative of the artist behind the boards.

Baths will be performing many of his top tracks and other pieces for the show on Jun. 3 at 9 p.m. at SoHo Restaurant and Music Venue, with tickets for sale up to $17 dollars.