What Would Make My Pastor Mad?


‘What Would Make My Pastor Mad?”

Benjamin Hurst | Photo & Multimedia Editor

Eccentric and crude, Luis Bondoc creates a world full of vulgar expressions and bizarre creatures engaged in imaginative scenarios shown through artful illustrations. A vibrancy resonates through his art whether color is present or not. Profanity becomes a cause for celebration of the grotesque in life rather than denouncing of it. Bondoc uses humor to connect with viewers and immerse them in a surreal view of life, approaching the mundane and political aspects of his art with equal gravitas.

Entering his world dictates that the viewer exit from their own reality, if only for a brief moment, to surrender to the absurd dreamscapes he illustrates. Nothing is left to impossibility in this reality, anything can happen, and it’s a place where “normal” is left at the door. These expressive illustrations, brimming with subtle political commentaries and ludicrous humor, have the potential to both entertain and to educate you.