Q&A with Zach Goulhiane, Independent Candidate for Internal Vice President


Interview by Parisa Mirzadegan, Advertising Director
Photo provided by the candidate.

Why do you want to be IVP?

Entering my third year at UCSB, I have gained very good sense of what issues students are facing, whether they are incoming students, about to graduate, transfers, or any type of student. I have been immensely involved in the Association for the past couple years and have had the opportunity to sit on many organizations, meetings, and committees where I met an array of interesting and passionate individuals and staff. I want to be IVP because I want to make sure that the Association continues to flourish and develop well after I graduate. I’ve always loved the idea of student government and how students have the capability to make huge changes and a positive impact on this campus. For this reason, I have had a strong passion for improving UCSB and making sure that each student has an enjoyable experience here full of countless opportunities. This position would allow me to continue the great legacy that AS holds and continuing to add onto it and develop it so that new objectives are completed and implemented such as the development of a mental health peer program or the expansion of academic advising. I want to make sure that AS continues to collaborate as one entity rather than multiple different branches. I want this position so I can ensure that collaboration and communication is constantly being utilized amongst all student leaders. I love aiding individuals with their dreams and goals. I always put other people’s needs before mine and I want to see new student leaders come into the Association instead of it just being “that thing” that people hear about but don’t know. All of these things and more are reasons why I want to be the next Internal Vice President.

What is the number one issue at UCSB that you want to solve as IVP? How would you go about solving it?

If elected IVP, I have a lot of projects and plans for the campus. However, the number one issue that I plan to tackle and solve is UCSB’s image nationally. This seems like a very broad issue but there are multiple facets that are attached to this subject that I plan on taking on if elected. For instance, revitalizing Isla Vista’s image to what it used to be in the past; one of love, fun, and passion. Over the past couple years, UCSB has been hit with some harsh tragedies and they have affected our community. One way I plan on getting around this is collaborating with different entities such as OSL, the UCEN, IV Foot Patrol, and others to establish a safer Isla Vista community and continue expanding on the I Heart UCSB campaign in which we continue to unite as a university. I would like to continue dialogue with the Police Department to figure out some type of center in which students who find themselves overly intoxicated, can rest and sober up without the fear of being sent to the drunk tank and receiving a ticket that could diminish their chances of landing a job after college. Also, I would like to establish a Gaucho Identity in which UCSB students have more campus pride and they are proud to be apart of this community and always look after each other. These are only a few of the facets attached to aiding UCSB’s image.

What will you do to ensure the effective and accountable use of student fees?

The use of student fees has always been a topic that has been brought up during times of election. With each UCSB student paying about $200 a quarter, student fee use is extremely important and needs to be watched carefully. I believe in complete and utter transparency when it comes to any type of student use. However, there have been multiple individuals who have used this word “transparency” but never really illustrated their plans to make these fees transparent. I plan on making sure that the Student Fee Advisory Committee has a prominent role in making sure that all organizations and groups illustrate where and what they spent these fees on. I would like to have an oversight board to aid in this process because there are a lot of documents that need to be filed and often times it is extremely tedious. I plan on letting all groups to send in quarterly reviews the minute they get elected to their position and making sure they know how important it is to record everything they do. This would allow for accountability and transparency. Thus allowing for easier access to documents illustrating year-to-year purchases.

How do you plan to make AS more accessible and open?

One of the biggest issues that Associated Students faces is that not many individuals know who we are or what we do. It is vital that AS begins to figure out solutions to letting students know that they pay a lot of money to this Association and that there are countless opportunities to get involved. In order to make AS more accessible and open, I plan on being extremely active in the production of Week of Welcome and making sure that all incoming UCSB students understand what AS has to offer and what they can get involved in. I would like to put up more signage across campus that points to all the resources that are offered to the students that they pay for! I want to construct a pamphlet that illustrate all the boards, committees, and units that these students can take part in and begin making a positive change on this campus. Being open and relatable is huge to this process, so I will always bring joy and a safe environment so that everyone can voice their opinions and not feel scared to take a stance on what they believe in. AS is only as strong as the participation and collaboration of each and every student!

My name is Zach Goulhiane and I’m running to be your next Internal Vice President!


Photo by Mathew Burciaga