Upcoming Events Fall 2014


Chloe Babauta
Staff Writer

With the new school year about to begin, we’ve compiled a list of events happening this week and beyond that will help welcome in new students and show them how to get involved on campus.

Cultural Socials in the Residence
When: 10/01, 1-3pm
– LGBTQQIA: Santa Rosa/DLG Lawn
– American Indian: San Miguel/San Nic Lawn
– Residence Halls International Students: 2-4pm, De Anza Plaza (next to Manzanita Village)
What: If you want to get in touch with your roots and connect with students who share your culture, or if you just want to learn more about other cultures, come to these socials to connect with members of our on-campus cultural organizations.

When: 09/30 7pm
Where: SRB Multipurpose Room
What: Queerapalooza is a fun event for new and returning students to get to know each other. Here, you can also learn about the different queer clubs, organizations, and resources on campus. There will also be free food.

RHA Get Involved Fair
When: 10/01, 4-6pm
Where: Santa Catalina
What: Interested in putting on fun or informative programs in the residence halls for students? At this event, you can find out how to get involved with the Residence Halls Association and see what it has to offer.

Non-Traditional Student Resource Center Orientation
When: 10/01, 10am-3pm
Where: Student Resource Building Multipurpose Room
What: Get to know Non-Traditional Students, meet the Non-Traditional Student Resource Center Staff, take a campus tour, and learn about available campus resources. If you RSVP, you can get a free lunch too.

Be Kind to Your Mind
When: 10/01, 11am-2pm
Where: In front of Counseling & Career building
What: Learn about the mental health resources that are available to you on campus at the Mental Health Peer Table. The Counseling & Career building also offers a free massage chair and an egg chair for students to use.

Passport Tours of the Library
When: 10/01, 11am-12pm
Where: In front of Counseling & Career building
What: If you want to see how to use the library so that you can get the most out of your classes, pick up a library passport and take a self-guided tour. The library will also provide treats throughout the tour. After the visit, you can use your completed passport to enter a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to the UCSB Bookstore.

Fun and Fitness Festival
When: 10/01, 1-4pm
Where: Rec Cen Courtyard
What: This festival is a fun way to meet new people, find ways to get involved on campus—from intramural sports, to arts and leisure classes, to adventure programs—and get free food and giveaways.

Welcome Back Lagoon Movie
When: 10/01, 7:30-10pm
Where: Lagoon Lawn
What: AS Program Board is hosting a showing of “22 Jump Street” on the Lagoon Lawn. Grab a blanket, snacks, and friends and enjoy a free movie.

Ice Cream Social with Hillel
When: 10/01, 6-8pm
Where: Santa Barbara Hillel, 781 Embarcadero Del Mar
What: Meet new people, learn about what Hillel has to offer to the community, and make your own free ice cream sundaes.

New Student Welcome Night with Acts2Fellowship
When: 10/01, 6:30-9pm
Where: Santa Barbara Hillel, 781 Embarcadero Del Mar
What: Acts2Fellowship will provide free Korean BBQ, skits, and an opportunity to make new friends.

Latina/Chicana Mixer with MUJER
When: 10/01, 6:30-9pm
Where: El Centro (Building 406)
What: For Latina/Chicana students looking for a sense of community at UCSB, come to this event to learn more about MUJER and other related organizations. There will be free food and a chance to meet other fellow Latinas/Chicanas.

UCSB Indus Mixer
When: 10/01, 7-8:30pm
Where: Multicultural Center
What: At this mixer, you can learn how to get involved with Indus, the largest South Asian cultural organization on campus. Here you can connect with other students and join dance teams. There will also be free food.

CoCtail Party
When: 10/01, 7-8:30pm
Where: MCC Lobby
What: AS Committee on Committees (CoC) will provide nonalcoholic cocktails, appetizers, and desserts at their first annual CoCtail party. At this mixer, you can meet the current AS leaders and learn about how to get involved with the AS Boards, Commissions, and Units.

Pep Band New Member Info Session
When: 10/01, 7:30-10pm
Where: Lagoon Lawn
What: Learn how to join the Gaucho Pep Band, find out what kind of music they perform at UCSB soccer and basketball games, and meet their current members. Free snacks are also provided.

Young, Wild, and Free
When: 10/01, 7-10pm
Where: Student Resource Building (SRB)
What: The Resource Center For Sexual & Gender Diversity will start off this year with a fun dance and a Drag Show, with guest appearances from Isis Magiq’elle and Selma Botti.

Impact Mission and Vision Night
When: 10/01, 8-10pm
Where: Santa Rosa Hall Conference Room
What: Come to this event to learn about the Christian organization The Impact Movement, hang out with current members, and enjoy free pizza.

Breakfast with the Humanities
When: 10/01, 9:30-10:30pm
Where: Mosher Alumni Hall
What: The Dean’s Office will host a breakfast for Humanities and Fine Arts (HFA) undergraduates to help students think about what careers they might pursue and learn how the skills they’re gaining at UCSB will help them in those careers.

AS Recruitment Carnival
When: 10/02, 12-2pm
Where: Storke Plaza
What: This recruitment carnival is a great way for new students to learn how to get involved in Associated Students and find organizations you might want to join, all while enjoying carnival activities—including bouncy houses, cotton candy,  tie-dye, and airbrush tattoos.

AS Fellowship Info Session
When: 10/02, 6-7pm
Where: Santa Catalina Fiesta Room
What: Come to this meeting if you’re interested in applying for the Associated Students Executive Fellowship. The fellowship focuses on helping students develop their leadership and communication skills, build a stronger work ethic, and learn about the inner-workings of AS to help improve UCSB.
Applications online: tinyurl.com/asucsbfellowship

Movie Night with SPAA: “Legally Blonde”
When: 10/02, 6-8pm
Where: Santa Rosa Hall Rec Room
What: Watch a free showing of “Legally Blonde,” put on by Sisters for Professional and Academic Achievement (SPAA). Afterwards, there will be a discussion on the feminist (or anti-feminist) themes of the film, plus free food. All genders are welcome to attend.

Community Yoga for Everyone
When: 10/02, 7-8:30pm
Where: St. Michael’s University Church, 6586 Picasso Road (Isla Vista)
What: People of all backgrounds in the Isla Vista community are welcome to enjoy this restorative yoga class in St. Michael’s candlelit chapel. A participation fee of $4 or more is requested at the door. Come in comfortable clothing with your friends, and don’t forget to bring a yoga mat or a towel.

Ice Cream Social with the Vietnamese Student Association
When: 10/02, 7-10pm
Where: Anacapa Hall Formal Lounge
What: Join the Vietnamese Student Association for free ice cream and a chance to network with VSA’s staff and other potential new members.

Improvability’s Welcome Back Show
When: 10/03, 8-10pm
Where: Embarcadero Hall
What: Looking for laughs and something fun (and inexpensive) to do on a Friday night? Watch UCSB’s only improv group perform their first show of the year. Tickets are $3.

Dhadkan’s Welcome Back Gala
When: 10/3, 5:30pm
Where: Mosher Alumni House
What: Come to Dhadkan’s gala for a free dinner from India Club and a chance to meet other students from a variety of organizations. Dhadkan is also inviting professors, administrators, and esteemed members of the community to mingle with students, so make sure to dress to impress.

Welcome Back Concert
When: 10/4, 9pm
Where: Storke Tower Plaza
What: AS Program Board welcomes new students with its annual concert, this year featuring performers 3LAU and Beni Haze. Celebrate the end of Week of Welcome and the beginning of a new school year by listening to live music and dancing with your friends. This concert is free to all UCSB students with valid UCSB Student IDs. Don’t forget your access card at home, because staff members will check for IDs for entry.

KCSB Fall Orientation
When: 10/7, 6pm
Where: Girvetz 1004
What: If you’re interested in DJing, broadcasting, producing, covering college sports live, news and journalism training, public-relations, promotion (SHOULD THIS BE PROMOTING TO MAKE IT PARALLEL??) skills, or anything else related to the music industry, check out 91.9 KCSB-FM radio. For more information, contact kjuc.pd@kcsb.org or call (805) 893-3757.

Pardall Carnival
When: 10/11, 12pm
Where: Pardall Road, Isla Vista
What: Do you like free food, free games, giveaways, and free carnival rides? Pardall Carnival offers all these freebies and is another opportunity to find out ways to get involved on campus and in the Isla Vista community. This yearly event brings individuals from all parts of the IV and UCSB community together, allows you to meet your fellow community members, and have fun with your friends.

Campus Org Fair
When: 10/22, 10am-3pm
Where: Storke Plaza
What: This is the first major tabling event for campus organizations to promote their clubs and recruit new members. Here you’ll find organizations you might be interested in, ranging from scholarly, cultural, political, and recreational clubs to fraternities and sororities.