The Next Best Bartender


Julia Frazer
Staff Writer

Sydney Klatt has never really been on TV before. But this January, she will be a contestant on a new reality show, competing to become the Next Best Bartender.

“I have always wanted to be a bartender,” Klatt said. “It would be a great job to have while I travel the world.”

Klatt, a University of California, Santa Barbara alum (2013), recently went to an audition in Sacramento and was chosen to be on the show. She decided to join the show because it sounded like something exciting and novel.

According to Klatt, this show is something that has never been seen before on reality television. Mentors will teach the contestants everything they need to know to be successful bartenders, because all of the contestants will have had no prior professional experience.

“I am learning a lot about the industry and am excited to take my skills into the real world after the show ends,” said Klatt, who hopes to use the experience she gains from The Next Best Bartender to get a job bartending at an amazing venue.

The Next Best Bartender is currently holding casting calls for amateurs who have not had any professional bartending experience.

“It follows amateur bartenders as they learn the rules of the trade and go head to head in competitions,” said Klatt. “It is also a reality show, so be prepared for some drama and lots of crazy moments!”

The contestants selected so far are charismatic individuals between the ages of 21 and 47.

“There are some crazy ones!” said Klatt. “There are only a few competitors that I need to look out for, but I am pretty confident that I am going to be able to throw them off their game.”

Klatt is secure about her prospects in the competition, but does have one concern: “It has been a challenge to know that the whole country will be able watch my silly mistakes. Hopefully they will be laughing with me, not at me!”

“The judges are all really great people, but they are tough,” said Klatt. “They will call you out on mistakes, so everyone has to be on their game all the time.” According to their website, the Next Best Bartender’s slogan is, “pour, or get out!”

Klatt’s favorite drink to pour is the whiskey sour. This classic sweet-and-sour concoction first innovated in the 1870s is made with whiskey, lemon juice, sugar, and sometimes a dash of egg white — all garnished with a cherry on top, of course.

As a former student of UCSB, Klatt might just have a leg up on the competition. Klatt’s favorite game so far has been Beerpong Jeopardy.

“I’m glad I had some Isla Vista training for that competition,” said Klatt.

Root for one of our own this January on the CW! Like Sydney Klatt’s page on Facebook at and follow her on twitter @SquidneyKlatt. For more information on the show, go to