Election Liveblog


Photos by Ayeyi Aboagye

8:03 a.m. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Proposition 30 has passed with 53.9 percent of the vote.

12:46 a.m.With 65 percent of precincts reporting votes, Proposition 30 has 52.2 percent of the vote.

12:36 a.m. Democratic candidate and incumbent for California in the U.S. House of Representatives, Lois Capps, is victorious with 54.8 percent of the vote.

12:18 a.m. According to Santa Barbara County Elections, the official winners of the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District race are Alejandro Rodriguez with 39.19 percent of the votes, Jeff Messmer with 25.18 percent of the vote, Pegeen Soutar with 23.84 percent of the vote and Sawyeh Maghsoodloo with 51.27 percent of the vote.

-Annalise Domenighini

11:50 p.m. Minnesota has voted ‘No’ to denying same-sex couples the right to get married with a majority of 52 percent.

11:43 p.m. Proposition 39 (Business Tax for Clean Energy Funding) has passed while Proposition 31 has failed to create a two-year budget cycle and give the governor budget-cutting powers during financial crises. Democratic candidate Dianne Feinstein has been re-elected to the U.S. Senate with a 20 percent lead over the Republican candidate, Elizabeth Emken. 

11:16 p.m. The U.S. House of Representatives currently holds 222 seats of the 218 seats required to gain majority. Democrats hold 165 seats in the House and forty eight seats remain undecided.

-Isabel Atkinson

11:10 p.m. with 72.7 percent of the Isla Vista precincts reporting in, Isla Vista Recreation and Parks department is showing Alejandro Rodriguez 38.82 percent of the votes, Jeff Bessmer 25.31 percent of the votes, Pegeen Soutar 24.31 percent of the votes, Star Hunt 10.83 percent of the votes, Sawyeh Maghsoodloo 51.41 percent of the votes, Joshua Renfro 47.94 percent of the votes.

11:06 p.m. Proposition winning by .2 percent of the votes

11:00 p.m. Mitt Romney wins electoral votes for the state of Alaska totaling his electoral college votes at 206.

10:57 p.m. President Barack Obama gives his victory speech to millions of viewers nationwide after being re-elected with a final electoral college vote count at 303 votes to Romney’s 203. “We may have battled fiercely,” said President Obama of opponent Mitt Romney. “Only because we love this country deeply.”  Obama stirred the crowd with talk of past difficult times, hard work to be done and a better future for all. “Whether I have earned your vote or not, I have listened to you. I have learned from you. You have made me a better President,” said Obama. “Tonight you voted for action.”

10:46 p.m. Proposition 36 changing the Three Strikes Law in California passes. Puerto Rico’s vote for statehood is too close to call at the moment.

10:11 p.m.  According to the New York Times, Proposition 40 has passed, shifting the power of redrawing State Senate district lines to California Citizens Redistricting Committee. Democrats hold 52 seats in the United States Senate, Republicans hold 44 and 3 are still undecided.

10:02 p.m. The New York Times officially stated that Proposition 38 (Tax for Early Childhood Education) has not passed.

9:48 Maryland has voted to legalize same-sex marriages. With one third of the votes in for the state of California, Democratic candidate Hannah-Beth Jackson remains in the lead with 51 percent for the State Senate race. Democratic candidate for State Assembly (District 37), Das Williams also holds the majority of votes with 56 percent. Lois Capps, the democratic candidate for District 24 for the U.S. House of Representatives also holds the majority of the votes with 52 percent out of the 7.2 percent of reported votes.

9:37 p.m. Both the states of Colorado and Washington have legalized the recreational use of marijuana by adults. Proposition 35 has passed, according to the New York Times.

9:17 p.m. Maine has legalized same-sex marriage, according to the Huffington Post.

9:06 p.m. Fourteen percent of votes have been reported in the state of California.

-Isabel Atkinson

9:05 p.m. With 7.2 percent of precincts reporting Lois Capps is winning 52.1 percent of the votes for United States House of Representatives, Das Williams is ahead for State Assembly 59.7 percent of the votes, Hannah-Beth Jackson is ahead for State Senate with 51.2 percent of the votes.

-Annalise Domenighini

8:52 p.m. According to the Secretary of State for the state of California, the majority of voters (58 percent) have voted ‘No’ on Proposition 37 (Genetically Engineered Food Labeling).

8:45 p.m. Proposition 35 (Human Trafficking) has a large majority of affirmative votes with 83 percent. Proposition 36 (Three Strikes Reform) has also received the majority of the votes at 67.8 percent. Propositions 39 and 40 have also received the majority of affirmative votes. 74 percent of the voters have voted ‘No’ on Proposition 38.

-Isabel Atkinson

8:32 p.m.  51.9 percent voting no on Proposition 30, with 5 percent of precincts reporting

8:30 p.m. Feinstein winning with 59.1 percent for U.S. Senate, Abel Maldonado winning with 50.4 percent for 24th Congressional District.

-Annalise Domenighini

8:24 p.m. According to NBC, ABC, Obama has won the re-election.

-Annalise Domenighini

8:20 p.m. Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, have been called for Obama.

-Annalise Domenighini

8:12 p.m. The voters of Minnesota, Maryland and Maine lean towards legalizing same-sex marriages or maintaining their legality.

 8:00 p.m. According to CNN, Obama leads with 238 of the total electoral college votes after California’s 55 votes were included in the total, while Romney has 191. The majority of the popular vote still leans towards Romney at 50.6 percent. Florida remains a battleground with Obama slightly ahead with 49.7 percent while Romney holds 49.5 percent of the vote.

-Isabel Atkinson

7:55 p.m. The latest on the swing states shows that (Ohio) Obama leads 50.3 percent, Romney trails with 48 percent with 64 percent of the votes in, (Iowa) 24 percent of the votes in Obama leads with 54.5 percent , Romney with 42.3 percent and (Colorado) Obama leads with 56.5 percent, Romney 42.3 percent with 36 percent of the votes in.

-Jasmine Brown

7:29 p.m. According to the New York Times, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama receives the 20 electoral college votes from Pennsylvania and 4 from New Hampshire. New Mexico’s 3 electoral college votes will go to Obama while Montana’s 3 votes are going to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to the Huffington Post.

-Isabel Atkinson

7:10 p.m. The results project that the control of Senate is leaning toward Democrats with 43 percent, Republicans closing in on the lead with 42 percent.

-Jasmine Brown

6:55 p.m. Florida shows a deadlock between Obama and Romney with 85 percent of the votes in; Obama leads 49.7 percent, Romney slightly trails with 49.4 percent.

-Jasmine Brown

6:45 p.m. Four states have measures included on their ballots determining the legalization of same-sex marriage. Although very few of the votes have been reported for these particular measures, the majority of these voters in Maine have voted ‘No’ to legalizing same-sex marriages while Maryland is leaning toward an affirmative vote with 53 percent of the 1 percent of reported votes voting ‘Yes.’ No votes have been reported for Minnesota or Washington.

-Isabel Atkinson

6:33 p.m. The results are steadily coming in for the following swing states: (Virginia) Romney leads 53 percent with 45 percent of the vote, (New Hampshire) Obama leads with 14 percent of the vote, (North Carolina) 14 percent with Romney at 50.2 percent, (Ohio) with 9 percent Obama leads with 54.7 percent, (Florida) votes fluctuate between Obama and Romney but 75 percent of the votes have been reported. The results for Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, and Wisconsin are still unavailable. Romney leads in the electoral votes with 154, Obama 124.

-Jasmine Brown

5:00 p.m. In the middle of Election Day, many students have already voted and many promoters are helping students find their polling places.

It is still too early to know any results, and poll workers are not allowed to give any information, but there is a general consensus that a lot of people are excited to vote and know where they are voting.

“Based on the people we’ve talked to, it seems like a lot of people are going to vote and are interested in voting,” said Gauchos for Capps member Dana Paikowsky. “Also a lot of people seem to be excited about Proposition 30 so that’s good.”

There are many different organizations on and off campus that are trying to get people to vote. Most groups are just hoping to get the over 11,000 registered voters to actually vote.

“I’ve seen a lot of people out with vote stickers, so it’s looking good so far,” said Campus Democrats Vice-President of Affairs Michael Angarola. “We’ve got a lot of tables around campus and IV and we’re just hoping people go vote.”

Election information will be updated as results are counted.

-Lily Cain