A Transfer’s Halloween

Kimya Sadaghiani
Staff Writer

Honestly, I’m not much of a partier and I can assure you that I’d be the first one knocking on your door if your loud music was keeping me up on a Monday night, but partying in Isla Vista Thursday through Monday during Halloween weekend? I’M DOWN.

As a third year transfer student, I’ve only heard of the wildly fun Halloween nights in IV. Actually, that’s all I’ve really heard about it- it’s wild and it’s fun. Halloween here seems like a free-for-all shit-show and quite frankly, I’m excited to see it for myself. Yes, I want to let loose and party after all my midterms are done (Sorry to those of you who have midterms during Halloween. Who does that?). Yes, I want to have a different costume every night of the weekend. And yes, I can’t wait to roam the streets and watch the craziness all around me.

Compared to the costume parties I went to last year back home, I feel like I need to prepare myself for what’s about to unleash in IV. I already think Del Playa is rowdy enough on a typical Friday or Saturday night, but add in hundreds of traveling college students from all over California, and the street of legends suddenly takes on a greater level. Unless, it’s been completely overrated by everyone talking about how awesome it is year after year. God forbid you’re the weird one that thinks otherwise. Kind of like Freebirds, but I guess you need to be drunk to enjoy that too.

Overrated or not, there is no doubt in the fact that Halloween is a big deal here. Some of the precautions that need to be followed are ridiculous, like residence not being able to park their cars on DP. Then again, that seems like a good idea considering that hundreds of pirates, devils and black kitty cats that will be running around.

Even the building I live in, Tropicana Del Norte, was sure to notify us in CAPS LOCK that we are strictly forbidden to have any visitors during Halloween weekend. Not only did they make it clear in our residence contract, but they sent out an email the first week of October and also posted discrete notes on each and every one of our doors. Okay. I get it, but how disappointing since the first thing my friends told me when I decided to transfer to University of California Santa Barbara was that they call dibs on visiting me during that week.

Although I am bummed that my days of trick-or-treating are far gone and that there will be no candy freely handed to me on DP (or will there?), I am looking forward to seeing all the creative, sleazy, interesting and possibly scary costumes that I could never get away with as a 13 year old. I hope to see everyone not only in costume, but also in character, because Halloween is the only time people can be what they’re not. Or at least that’s how the saying goes. Which reminds me, I still don’t know what I’m going to be!

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