Bottom Line Journalism Orientation


The Bottom Line will be holding Journalism training for all those interested in becoming part of our staff. This orientation is mandatory for anyone who wants to become apart of our staff for the Winter quarter of 2011.

Mandatory for all who want to write, photograph, illustrate, or do multimedia
Tuesday Jan. 11, 7PM
Location: The Annex (building 434)
Facebook Event

Writer Trainings
Wednesday Jan 12, 7pm
Location: The Annex (building 434)

Friday Jan 14, 1pm
Location: The Annex

Photo Trainings
Wednesday Jan 12, 3PM
Thursday Jan. 13. 11AM
Location: The Annex (building 434)

Multimedia Trainings
Wednesday Jan 12, 4PM
Tuesday Jan 18, 5PM
Location: The Annex (building 434)

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