Interview: S.A. Eberwein, Author of ‘Cash Your Investment’

Image Courtesy of S.A. Eberwein

Teni Adedeji
Staff Writer

While the name S.A. Eberwein might not seem familiar to you now, you may be seeing it on his debut book — Cash Your Investment — as soon as you pick it up. You’ll soon realize that it’s a great and informative guide to help you through all your post-college struggles. Eberwein lent out a helping hand to all campuses when he compacted some of the most invaluable job tips together into one easily available location. Through his pure, charismatic nature, he managed to transform a typically dull subject into a motivational and exciting read.

Although Scott Eberwein might not be a writer by trade, his own personal knowledge is what differentiates and animates his work. From being a college graduate who scored an investment banking job in NYC to working now as a stocks and options trader, Eberwein has experienced many real-life encounters that have built his expertise on what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to securing a job. Soon after reviewing his book, I had the pleasant opportunity to talk with him about his experiences, writing process and much more.

What prompted you to write this book?

I didn’t really think there was a good resource out there that would put everything in one place. You can research how to do an interview, and how to write a resume online, but I wanted to put it all in one place. I wanted to infuse my own stuff with examples, and advice. I wanted to try to put everything together, and make it personal instead of all bland, and academic. Not black and white. Not X, Y and Z.

Is there a special reason why you began the book first on the topic of mindset?    

I thought the individual motivation part of the [job search] process was all under-appreciated. I would like to point out that personally, I’ve met enough people over the years, and I did talk about these people in the book who were straight-A students but just didn’t have the right mentality. I want to hammer this point home, and it’s almost cliché but you really can make things happen if you have the right mindset going in. I really wanted to stress that.

The main theme of the book is that you really can do it. Having the right mindset is number one. No matter what your resume looks like you’d have the will to make it.

Did you change your writing style to fit your audience?

I did not change my writing style. I just knew I wanted to have experience and examples to support the text. I wanted a more readable, and engaging writing style. I didn’t want it to be boring, mundane writing.

The anecdote you mentioned about too much eye contact really stood out to me. Most people think that’s the way to go, do you have more to speak on that?

I remember going into an interview, and I was thinking “eye contact eye contact”, and I realized that it has to be comfortable eye contact. People don’t have the advice about comfortable eye contact. Natural comfortable eye contact is the best way to go.

How do you think your book will impact students?

It’ll fill a void. I didn’t really know much of anything when I was in college. I wanted to fill a void, and get a book out there that I really think is going to help students. I really wanted to focus on self empowerment, and elevating self awareness about job search. We’re not going to college to come out, and make eight bucks an hour. Best way to help students is by putting something out there that hasn’t been done before.

Would you say there’s a lot of original information in your book?

My objective going in was figuring out what other product is out there, and what kind of product would my book be competing against. I tried to go for as much original content. In the Resume section, it may have touched on some other things that other people have read on before, but I also wanted to be cognizant of what I had that no one else has said.

Is there possibly going to be another book?

I’ve thought about maybe “after getting the job,” and what to do then. Maybe something along the same theme. I do think there will be another book again at some point.