A Guide to All the Best Study Spots at UCSB


Natalie Checherina 

Contributing Writer

Sometimes it can be difficult to remember that you’re at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) to study and do work for your classes since there are so many fun things to do. Once the charm of the first week wears off, and you realize that you have homework to do and a degree to earn, you can reference this guide to get ideas of where to best study and get work done.

Second Floor of the Library

One of the absolute best study spots is on the second floor of the library, right in the middle of the floor where the big tables and hanging lights are. This is also one of the first pictures that pops up when you search for the UCSB library online, so you’ll most likely know what I’m talking about. If you study the best in places where it isn’t fully quiet, then the white noise of occasional conversation will help you keep your workflow going.

The top floors of the library have good views but they are notorious for being deafeningly quiet — which is great if that’s your scene! Personally, I feel stressed when people can hear me breathe, so I prefer the lower floors, especially to also look out the windows on the second floor. 

Third Floor of the Student Resource Building

For the first week of school I forgot that the Student Resource Building (SRB) existed, but don’t sleep on this place! Just because it isn’t as close to the rest of campus and where most of your classes are doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t lock in here. I find myself concentrating the best at the SRB at times because of how comfortable it is. I enjoy studying on all of the floors, but always find myself gravitating to the top since it is the most peaceful place and the views are so pretty. It also feels very cozy overall with different study areas scattered throughout the floor and offices surrounding it. Compared to the library, it’s one of the less popular places to study, so I would definitely recommend coming here if you need some peace and quiet but not too much of it.

The Outside of the Interactive Living Pavilion

As one of the newest buildings in UCSB, the Interactive Learning Pavilion (ILP) stands out because of how architecturally different it is from other buildings. While most of the rooms in the ILP are classrooms, there is a lot of outdoor seating, and on a nice day, this is definitely one of my top study spots. You can get a 360-degree view of campus from this building, especially from the top floors, so head over there to do some tanning while you do your readings, and rest your eyes upon the views of campus if you need a break from the computer screen.

University Center

Where else can you find a place that’s bustling both inside and out? The University Center is conveniently located right in the center of campus, and has a lot of good indoor and outdoor seating. There are comfy sofa chairs and table inside, and outside you can find seats facing the lagoon. This is where Panda Express and Subway are located, so grab yourself a snack while you churn out an essay or complete a problem set.

Hopefully this guide has your mind stirring with some new ideas on where you should go to study. Good luck with midterms and hopefully I’ll see you in one of these places!


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