In Photos – The Early Arrivals of the Far East Side

Photo by Hally Zhou

Hally Zhou

Co-Photo Editor

Sept. 15 was the first day that residents living on campus could check into their residence halls. The Bottom Line joined residents and their families who decided to take advantage of the quiet of UCSB’s first day of move-in week. 

Residents check in at the welcome tent near San Rafael Residence Hall.
Scanning the QR code helps to speed up the process and reduce direct contact between resident assistants and residents.
Resident Assistant Liv Chmiel assists residents with checking in.
Resident Jack Seevers just got off an airplane and is ready to unload. 
A family member helps a resident move into their dorm.
All hands on deck!
A family helps their student lock their bike securely. Don’t forget to register your bike with UCPD! 
A student is all packed and ready to move in for the school year.


The bike racks begin to fill up as incoming students get ready to ride into the new school year!