An Introduction to UCSB’s Commission on Student Well-Being

Photo by Sammy Muñoz

Emily Zomoroudi

Contributing Writer

Committed to promoting the well-being of students at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), the Associated Students (AS) Commission on Student Well-Being (COSWB) is making big moves and increasing mental health awareness in the community. 

At every meeting, important decisions are made among members to allocate funds to certain health-related organizations or to begin developing a fun school event. 

The Bottom Line interviewed Trevor Lin to learn about COSWB and how they provide for the UCSB community. 

Can you start off by telling me who you are and what position you hold in COSWB?

“My name is Trevor Lin, and I’m a third-year biopsychology major here at UCSB. I currently serve COSWB as the Vice-Chair.”

For those who don’t know, what does COSWB do?

“The Commission on Student Well-Being is an Associated Students committee that is composed of UCSB students who are dedicated to helping sustain and cultivate the holistic health of the UCSB undergraduate student body: mentally, physically, and emotionally. We look to put on events and programs that prioritize a welcome, warm, and fun environment for everyone [and] that also coincide with education and a cognizance towards our mission statement.”

What are some events COSWB has planned for the rest of winter quarter?

“While it’s not ideal, given the situation we’re all having to deal with in regards to online schooling, we’re still extremely excited to put on Zoom events! One in particular that I’d like to touch on is our weekly Vinyasa Yoga Class on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. put on by our fitness coordinator, Jack! It has been amazing to see how many people enjoy getting together to stretch, relax, and enjoy the atmosphere, even through a screen. We look forward to seeing even more bright, beautiful, [and] happy faces in the coming weeks!

“Other virtual events that our amazing coordinators are hoping to put on are some movie nights – like Kiki’s Delivery Service – along with some entertaining game nights and a body positivity event with a headline speaker.

“In addition, our womxn’s health coordinator, Michelle, is doing great work in providing stress-free access to free menstrual products on campus, including the library.

“Depending on Chancellor Yang’s decision, we have a few in-person events tentatively in motion, including a collaboration with Health & Wellness in the form of a rejuvenation station as well as a food truck to hand out free meals to students.

“Again, these are just a few … If I were to tell you all of them, that would spoil the fun. Be on the lookout through our Instagram, website, or email list!”

Could you walk me through a typical COSWB meeting?

“As an entity of the Associated Students, in conjunction with the fact that we are responsible for allocating and spending funds generated from the student body, the typical COSWB meeting is very structured, and rightfully so. Starting off with taking roll, we move to officer reports where each officer gives a description of their previous week’s activities and progress on their projects. We then receive an update from our senate liaison to be informed of any relevant AS government information and proceed to vote and thoroughly discuss approving actions to pass funding for a specific project. After all of this has been done, we usually adjourn the meeting; however, between the officer reports and voting, meetings usually last an hour due to careful consideration and feedback of all the plans we have, old and new.” 

How do funding requests work?

“Our ability to put on events for UCSB is not limited to COSWB exclusively. If you feel like your idea caters to our mission statement, send us an email with your proposal. We’ll reply on short notice and invite you to present your plans at our next meeting. You’ll hear back shortly thereafter via email with our decision on whether to fund your event.”

Can anyone attend COSWB meetings without being an official board member?

“Yes! As a part of the Associated Students, COSWB meetings are open to every UCSB undergraduate. We wouldn’t be able to operate without your support, so our meetings are your meetings as well!”

When does COSWB meet?

“We meet every Thursday from 7-8 p.m. in Pardall Center, or on Zoom if we continue online. If anybody wants to learn more about us, our email is, and our Instagram page is @ucsbcoswb!”