Tap into Tarot for Lessons in Life


Raymond Matthews
Opinions Editor

A quick guide to tarot: When selecting a card, it’s best not to overthink it. Just pick whichever card resonates with you (or whichever one looks prettiest to you). While no single card can answer all of your questions, it should give you an insight into some general themes that may be playing out in your life.


Six of Wands:

The six of wands represents victory, validation, and acknowledgement. You have been experiencing a run of success lately and those around you are beginning to take notice. 

This external acknowledgement is great and well-deserved, but the six of wands is meant to remind you that you should be proud of yourself for your persistence and achievements. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You’ve earned it!

This is also a good time to reflect on where you once were and where you are now. Keeping this perspective may keep you humble in the face of this newfound praise and success.


Seven of Pentacles:

The seven of pentacles represents patience, investment, and sustainability. You have been investing in yourself or your work for a while now, and you’re finally starting to see some results. 

As you move forward, it’s best to make long-term plans that will maximize your efforts and maximize your results.

This isn’t purely about money or grades. Oftentimes the seven of pentacles is a sign that you need to invest more into your passion projects. Whatever you feel most strongly about is exactly what you should be focusing on right now. 

Overall, this card teaches us to patiently invest in ourselves and our passions to achieve personal fulfillment.


Eight of Pentacles:

The eight of pentacles represents craftsmanship, work ethic, and action. Now is the time to build up your skillset and master your chosen craft.

This process may be time-consuming and you may feel that your commitment, patience, and dedication are being tested, but you are up to this challenge.

As your skills build up over time, it will be rewarding to reflect on where you once were and celebrate how far you’ve come.