Sexual Health and Safety Resources


Sexual Health Resources:

Student Health

Any Gaucho with the UC Student Health and Insurance Plan (UC SHIP) is welcome to free STI tests at Student Health, as well as free contraceptives and Plan B. For transgender specific health services, students can call (805) 893-3087 and ask to make an appointment with Dr. John Landsberg (with no need to say why), to have their specialized health needs met.


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Thursday: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m by appointment

Phone Number:

(805) 893-5361


Associated Students Pardall Center

Another location to access contraceptives is the wellness vending machine in the Pardall Center (6650 Pardall Road). The machine offers everything from general medical supplies, such as bandages, to over-the-counter contraceptives like Plan B, providing students with access to health resources at the same cost as the Student Health pharmacy but with more open hours.


Monday – Thursday: 12 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday: 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sunday: 12 p.m to 8 p.m.

Phone Number:

(805) 770-3145


Residential Housing Association (RHA) Safer Sex Peers

RHA’s Safer Sex Peers provides dorm residents access to free condoms, dental dams, lubricants, and sexual health information at the luxury and convenience of simply walking down their hallway.

Resource Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity (RCSGD)

The RCSGD, located on the third floor of the Student Resource Building, provides students free access to contraceptives and lubrication, as well as sexual health information. The RCSGD serves as a liaison between LGBTQ+ organizations on campus and the rest of the university.


Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone Number:

(805) 893-5847



Women’s Center

The Women’s Center is dedicated to providing support, education, and advocacy for gender equality. Situated on the first floor of the Student Resource Building, the Women’s Center has free access to condoms, dental dams, and lubrication.

Also nestled inside is the Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE) office, where those affected by interpersonal violence can seek confidential counseling and advocacy. CARE provides emotional, academic, financial, medical, housing, and reporting assistance.


Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone Number:

(805) 893-3778


Health & Wellness

UCSB’s Department of Health & Wellness offers educational workshops relating to sexual and relationship health. In addition, they manage a free and confidential HIV testing clinic once a quarter to help connect students with sexual health resources.

Phone Number:

(805) 893-2630


General Safety Resources

In case of emergency, call 911

Know your rights and be aware of medical amnesty. Also known as Good Samaritan protection laws, medical amnesty protects both the caller and the individual in need of medical attention from facing legal consequences related to drinking or doing drugs.

UC Police Department (UCPD):

The UC Police Department (UCPD) acts as a full service police department for UCSB students and staff to handle campus non-emergencies.


24/7 non emergency dispatch

Phone Number:

(805) 894-3446


Isla Vista Foot Patrol:

The Isla Vista Foot Patrol (IVFP) is the other main police station that services Isla Vista residents. They offer non-emergency 24/7 dispatch as deputies and officers  patrol the area on foot or bicycle.


24/7 non emergency dispatch

Phone Number:

(805) 681-4179


Community Service Office (CSO) Escort:

The CSO Escort program is a free service that provides personal safety escorts through campus and Isla Vista. Escorts are equipped with digital radios that allows them to remain in contact with police dispatch as they accompany individuals walking or biking to their destination.


They are available 24/7

Phone Number:

(805) 893 – 2000

Resources for Survivors of Interpersonal Violence

Anonymous reporting

Individuals have the option of filing an anonymous report through the CARE website, which will be forwarded to UCPD. Law enforcement will keep the information on file, including the name of the perpetrator and the type of crime. An anonymous report typically cannot lead to any law enforcement action unless the individual chooses to then press forward with charges. But creating such reports allows law enforcement to help recognize an assailant’s pattern, or to support a survivor’s story if they decides to pursue charges at a later date.

Office of Equal Opportunity & Sexual Harassment / Title IX Compliance

While it is not a confidential resource, in that it may share information with campus administrators or investigative participants on a need to know basis, Title IX handles sexual assault, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination cases within the university, including any acts of retaliation. Reports can be filed through their website.

Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)

CARE offers confidential advocacy to individuals affected by dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. As stated on their website, they meet with survivors to provide “emotional, academic, housing, medical, reporting, and/or financial support and guidance,” in order to help individuals understand what resources and options are available to them. Unlike the Title IX office, their objective is not to remain a neutral party, but rather a trusted resource to provide support for survivors.

University of California Police Department (UCPD) and Isla Vista Foot Patrol (IVFP)

UCPD and IVFP provide reporting and investigation options for survivors of interpersonal violence. They have the power to forward reports to the District Attorney to pursue legal action, and can provide information about restraining order and referrals for forensic exams.

Office of Judicial Affairs

The Office of Judicial Affairs offers “no contact orders” between complainants and respondents. In addition, they are granted the power to pursue university charges against student perpetrators after a Title IX investigation is completed.