A.S. Hires Holly Mayes as Legislative Liaison

Image Courtesy of Wikimedia

Sabrina Bui

Holly Mayes has joined Associated Students (A.S.) as their legislative liaison as of April 23.

Mayes, who previously worked in Bakersfield, Calif., provides legal code advising to the Associated Students’ committees and acts as a liaison between the Senate, staff, and faculty at the university.

“I am the external and internal committee for Senate’s resource for legal code as well as for the Associated Students’ staff and students,” she said. The legal code consists of the A.S. Constitution, bylaws, and standing policies. It guides UCSB’s student government in its decisions and “trickles down to all of students,” Mayes said.

Mayes also advises the Committee on Committees (CoC) which works to get more students involved in A.S.

“I’m really hoping through my advising and through the awesome new people we have coming in for the next administration, that it will really help get more people involved because there’s a ton of talent on campus,” she said.

The move to Santa Barbara was part of her plan to achieve her personal and professional goals. One of those goals is to attend UCSB to pursue an undergraduate degree.

“A tidbit about me is that I don’t have a bachelor’s degree,” she said. “A more educated staff really only does better things for the Association.”

Mayes plans to enroll in Fall of 2019 and major in feminist studies. She stated that while she does have an interest in politics and law, she is “really passionate about the spectrum of women’s issues” and wants to study the political and social issues women have faced historically and presently. She hopes to incorporate her education into her work as legislative liaison.  

Prior to coming to UCSB, Mayes worked as a legal support clerk for the law firm Klein DeNatale Goldner. Her prior experience at the law firm has helped with her new position. She said that the work she previously did was information-heavy and detailed-oriented, much like what she does now.

Despite her previous and current work sharing similarities, Mayes said that working for the UC system has been a unique experience for her.

“The UC system really allows for a lot of professional development for staff members and the workplace culture here is unlike anywhere I’ve ever seen before,” she said. “It’s extremely collaborative and supportive and I am in a really cool position to not only watch the movers and shakers of our world and our future community but to be in a position to assist them.”

While Mayes has future goals in mind, for now, she is enjoying her new position and life in Santa Barbara.

“Being here was a huge personal goal so I’m living the dream,” she said. “I don’t really know what else I need.”