UCSB to Proceed with “Flexible” Fall Finals Schedule

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Gwendolyn Wu

Despite multiple petitions from students, Chancellor Henry Yang announced Friday evening that fall finals would proceed as scheduled.

In a memo sent to the campus at 5:44 p.m., Yang called on faculty and staff to be “understanding and flexible” in scheduling finals, noting that some may opt for alternative assignments like take-home finals.

“Some students have compelling reasons (such as visa and financial aid requirements, or pending employment) to get final grades and complete their academic quarter,” Yang wrote.

Associated Students President Hieu Le confirmed that there was a new finals policy in place.

“Faculty must accommodate the health and safety of students first,” Le told The Bottom Line. “If faculty do not accommodate, students should first go directly to the dean or chair of their department and report the faculty member, and then report it to UCSB administration because it is in violation of the new finals policy.”

Le said that after some students reported faculty members who did not accommodate  health concerns, the problem was “immediately corrected.”

If a student is excused from a scheduled final and arranges for a make-up exam in winter quarter, they will receive an “incomplete” mark on their transcript until professors grade the make-up.

This article has been updated with additional information.