How Students Feel About Halloween in I.V.

Illustration by Esther York / Staff Illustrator

Isabela Acebal

Out of all the Isla Vista parties, Halloween has historically been the most legendary. However, new laws have sufficiently undercut the traditional holiday party scene.

As many people will tell you, parties are a significant part of I.V. culture. The chance to go out, meet new people, and try new things are relatable, coming-of-age rituals to many college students.

The volatile mix of the holiday and late night festivities has led University of California, Santa Barbara students to endear Halloween. Of course, new laws can’t totally erase that; people will just have to find their own fun another way. Both campus organizations and students are trying to reinvent this once sacred tradition.

For example, instead of the usual midnight noise curfew for Isla Vistans, houses will have to turn down their music starting at 6 p.m. from Oct. 26 to Nov. 1. Several streets will also have police checkpoints, with a zero tolerance policy for underage drinkers.

Fortunately, students have alternatives to partying in I.V. The Associated Students Program Board will host a variety of events this Halloween, with Delirium being the most popular alternative Halloween celebration.

Delirium is a five-dollar, nighttime concert night featuring French DJ Tchami on Oct. 28. Marissa Woods, a second year Biology major, is planning to attend the concert. However, she is still unsatisfied with the new Halloween rules.

“I’m going to the concert,” Woods said. “But I think the new policies are a little strict, especially the on campus policies like housing. I think it’s a little ridiculous that non-residents can’t go in the residence halls.”

With the party scene effectively dead, a simpler solution is to just stay indoors. Alex Sassi, a first year electrical engineering major, plans to stay in the dorms.

“I’m probably going to watch some Halloween movies,” Sassi said. “Honestly, I was kind of disappointed when I heard about the regulations…I had always heard about the legendary UCSB Halloweens and now there are all of these policies and it isn’t as cool as it used to be.”

Micah Haskins, a first year pre-biology major, also plans to stay in, though he holds a different opinion in regards to the Halloween policies.

“I’ll probably hunker in and do some school work,” Haskins said. “I don’t believe the campus policies are unfair though because I know there have been problems in the past with people causing trouble and being destructive.”

Resident Assistants are also planning other Halloween related activities. Ciara Wong, an RA at Santa Catalina, is organizing many small events for her floor.

“I’m putting on events for the ten upcoming days until Halloween,” Wong said. “Friday I’m doing a costume contest and taking the floor to Hallowheels, Saturday is the concert, and Sunday is hallway trick-or-treating.”

All students have the option of attending Delirium, staying in, or hanging out with friends.

Of course, the new rules won’t stop everyone from partying in I.V. for Halloween. Leslie Gonzalez, a first year Anthropology major, still plans to go out despite the regulations.

“I know some people in I.V.,” Gonzalez said. “And they are still throwing some parties and kickbacks. It won’t be anything like it was a few years ago, but I’m still going to go.”

Despite the decrease of wild Halloween parties in Isla Vista, UCSB students can still find ways to make the weekend memorable.