Supply & Create Helps Paint a Colorful Education


Dhiraj Nallapaneni
Photo by Veronica Arvizo, Staff Photographer

When second-year art major and women’s volleyball player Allie Sullberg was teaching art classes to local children for the Boys and Girls Club last summer, she took note of a serious problem: the lack of resources.

“They barely had any art supplies,” she said. Despite her students’ enthusiasm, the children simply lacked the means to able to adequately express themselves. Their imaginations were being stifled.

Sullberg wished to remove this obstacle that hindered her students’ creative education. So, in August 2014, she decided to create Supply & Create, a community service club dedicated to providing new and used art supplies to local nonprofit organizations, after school programs, and housing authorities.

Sullberg is optimistic about the positive change an increase of art resources can create in a child’s life. She hopes that Supply & Create’s efforts “give people the opportunity to create something in hopes that it will give people a different outlook on life.”

As president of Supply & Create, Sullberg works diligently to foster a relationship between the club and the community. However, she feels that the work is well worth her time. “I enjoy being busy and I’m very passionate about this cause so I don’t mind the work,” said Sullberg.

As an art major herself, she speaks emphatically about the impact art has had on her. “Art has always been a part of my life,” she said. “I believe it has given me the ability to see things from different perspectives and use my imagination.” It was only natural for her to bestow this same gift upon others, allowing it to transform people’s lives the same way it transformed hers.

In a few short months, the club has raised more than $1,000 through GoFundMe and $4,000 worth of art supplies through local artists and art stores. All of these funds and supplies have gone to local youth organizations. The club has accomplished this with only four members, all of whom who are student athletes, illustrating the impact a few dedicated people can have in helping to improve the community.

Another member of Supply & Create is Ali Spindt, a second-year physiology major and Sullberg’s volleyball teammate. Though she takes pride in the work the club is doing for the community, she also feels that it has lead to some personal growth.

“It’s really rewarding bringing the art supplies to the kids and seeing them enjoy it,” Spindt said. “As a person it makes me appreciate what I have and makes me want to give back.”

Despite all the progress, the club’s work is far from complete. Supply & Create is currently in the midst of its latest service project. The club has set out five donation bins throughout campus and Isla Vista in hopes of attracting student art supply donations. The bins are located in the UCen, the Intercollegiate Athletics building, the Arts building, Coffee Collaborative, and Crushcakes & Café.

Supply & Create is willing to take help from anyone wishing to assist its mission. You can contact the club at or check out their Facebook page at You can also donate to their GoFundMe page at or donate supplies in person at one of their aforementioned bins.


  1. Kudos to all involved in this wonderful project! I’ve made one donation, and seeing the real accomplishments of this group I plan to make another! Go Supply & Create! Great work!!!

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