Letter to the Editor: Contributors for Isla Vista Theater’s Digital Projecter


Thank you for your recent article on the new digital projector in Isla Vista Theater. I hope students attend one of the many screenings very soon to experience the improvement in the theater experience.

I did want to clarify the process by which the projector was purchased and credit some of the other contributors that were omitted from the article. Erik Moore, Sr. Public Events Manager at IV Theater, was a key player in bringing the digital projector proposal to fruition. He kept the issue in the forefront of the primary IV Theater user groups (AS Program Board, Magic Lantern Theater/IV Arts, Office of Student Life on behalf of registered student organizations) and provided the technical information necessary to move forward in the funding requests.

AS Program Board provided almost one-third of the funding required for the projector. Their weekly Tuesday night screenings will benefit greatly from the new projection system. Magic Lantern, another weekly user of the projection system, provided almost one-fifth of the funding, and Instructional Development agreed to cover labor expenses for installing the projector. Altogether, we had pieced together one-half of the cost to purchase and install the projection system.

In late January, Erik Moore and I presented a request to the Student Fee Advisory Committee on behalf of the primary user groups. The Student Fee Advisory Committee ultimately agreed to fund half of the projected expenses to purchase and install the projector. We would not have been able to upgrade to the digital projector without their generous support. The Student Fee Advisory Committee recognized the benefit to students in upgrading the projector and I think I speak on behalf of all of the film programmers in thanking them for making this project possible.

Due to Erik Moore’s work, the projector system was installed before the beginning of fall quarter and now every group screening movies will be able to enjoy higher quality film projection at a reduced cost to the user.

Thank you to all of the groups who contributed to this effort and a special thank you to Student Fee Advisory Committee for their support of student programming.

Marilyn Dukes
Assistant Director for Student Programs, Events and Services
Associated Students