AS Beat ReporterPhoto Courtesy of Vinay Shivakumar
Shorthand is the spirit of college. The moment you start calling DP by its full name, Del Playa, is the moment everyone will stop inviting you to parties along the infamous beach road. The workings of Associated Students are no different, and since these students make up the student government running your campus, it could never hurt to know the language.
AS = Associated Students, a non-state funded, non-profit organization paid for by undergraduate fees including dozens of organizations like the Academic Affairs Board, Coastal Fund and The Bottom Line
AS Senate = AS Senate (previously Legislative Council), a group of elected representatives serving as the policy-making body of AS
IVP = Internal Vice President
EVPLA = External Vice President of Local Affairs
EVPSA = External Vice President of Statewide Affairs, UCSB’s statewide student representative
VCSA = Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
OSA = Office of the Student Advocate; assists students accused of violating the University Code of Student Conduct
UCOP = University of California Office of the President; system-wide headquarters of the University of California which manages the fiscal and business operations and supports the campuses academic/research missions
BCC = Boards, Committees and Commissions; the universal term applied to the organizations that make up AS
IVCRC = Isla Vista Community Relations Committee; the AS committee that works to promote and educate the IV community
SIRRC = Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee
Comm on Comm = Committee on Committees; the committee that oversees all the other committees