Leg Roundup: Council Deliberates on Resignation, Re-Instatement and Restructuring Policies


Tim Fucci
AS Beat Reporter

Associated Students Legislative Council assembled for their weekly meeting in the Flying-A room of the UCen on the evening of Oct. 19. Highlights from the meeting included a speech by fourth-year history major Michael Schirtzer about Occupy Wall Street, as well as a debate over how to properly recognize the resignation of Legislative Council members.

Schirtzer addressed the council during public forum with a speech concerning the Occupy Wall Street movement happening in Santa Barbara and Isla Vista.

“It is no secret; we are living in tumultuous times,” said Schirtzer. “The lines have been drawn between the 1 percent who is content to victimize and systematically manipulate the economy for profit at the cost of a stable society, and the 99 percent who isn’t willing to take it any more. History will remember this movement. I only have one question to ask, what role will you play?”

Schirtzer finished his speech by announcing that an Occupy Isla Vista general assembly meeting would take place on Sunday, Oct. 23 at 5:30 pm at People’s Park.

Confusion surrounded legislative affairs when discussion turned to the re-instatement of council members. Marlene Moreno, an Off-Campus Representative who requested resignation from her office two weeks ago, recently requested re-instatement to her former office. Once again, Leg Council had to re-evaluate the proper procedure recognizing the resignation of members, one which is not officially spelled-out in the AS legal code.

The council decided to re-open the minutes from the meeting of Oct. 12 in order to officially recognize the resignations of council members Danielle Stevens and Reena Fram, but did not recognize the resignation of Marlene Moreno, re-instating her position as an Off-Campus Representative.

Second-year comparative literature and political science double major Juan Galvan was sworn in to Leg Council as a new Off-Campus Representative. Galvan assumed one of the recently vacated positions, but will not officially begin serving as a representative until next week’s meeting.

Leg council also allocated $500 dollars from their special projects fund to the UCen Study Center, with a stipulation that the finances be refunded if the UCen Study Center finds additional funding from other entities. The UCen Study Center will utilize the space in the University Center as a study area during finals week, providing food and massages for students.

A total of seven bills were brought forth to the council. Four were officially accepted by the council and three were tabled for next week’s meeting.

One of the most salient business items approved was a bill to restructure the Office of the President, which will create a new position known as Director of Public Engagement. This director will work to engage the president’s presence on campus and coordinate further outreach efforts.

The council voted to table a bill which, if approved, would encourage representatives to hold office hours outside of the AS main office in more “popular locations around campus,” including locations like The Arbor, Campbell Hall or the UCen. The move is an attempt to deliver on campaign promises to increase the accessibility and transparency of Legislative Council representatives.

The Oct. 19 meeting was adjourned at 10:16 p.m. after more than five hours of public discussion and deliberation.