Parties Gear Up For 2008 AS Elections
by AJ Block


Election season turns local this week as the UCSB campus transforms into a sea of giant campaign ads for next year’s Associated Students (A.S.) elected offices. As soon as campaigning officially began at 12:01 am on Monday, April 7, candidates battled for the best real estate along the bike path on which to place their prominent billboards.

The two week campaigning period leading up to the April 21-24 election (voting will take place on GOLD) will host a series of forum style debates between candidates. If this election resembles those of previous years, parties will give away food, t-shirts, and other swag in the pursuit of votes. Despite this tactic, all of the candidates are more than willing to talk to students about their stances on issues and most will be out campaigning with their parties for much of the election period.

This issue of The Bottom Line contains extended interviews with twelve student leaders vying for the executive positions of President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President of Local Affairs, External Vice President of Statewide Affairs, and Student Advocate General.
In addition to electing the next A.S. President and officers, students will vote on initiatives and reaffirmations, such as the $7 a quarter Student Health Service Support Fee, all of which can be found at