Art Students Makeover IV Bakery
by Jennifer Kimbell


Since fall quarter, a sculpture class, taught by Kim Yasuda, has been meeting every week to renovate the IV Bakery. The soon-to-be bakery lies between Grafikart and Blenders. What makes it stand out from other IV businesses is that it is created for students by students.

Yasuda argued that the reason that many establishments in IV do not survive the empty summer and winter months is because they are not able to relate to the students that frequent them. Because the bakery is a small space, it immediately calls for a personal and artistic environment.

The student artists are all encouraged to work towards a united product, which provides an atmosphere by and for student artists and their work, as well as a location to place authorship. Many of the students are working individually on different aspects of the bakery such as furniture, paint, walls, etc. Yasuda considers the renovation of the IV Bakery as an experimental art product. “We looked for other ways we could expand our vocabulary of what constitutes sculpture,” says Yasuda reflecting on her years as a traditional sculpture professor.

The bakery will be open to the public at the end of May, complete with natural and affordable food.