The Trouble With Anti-Vaxxers

Photo Courtesy of Hakan Nural

Ladann Kiassat

Science & Technology Editor

Imagine being a doctor and going through years of schooling only to read an article headlined “Doctors and Researchers Colluding with Bill Gates: Why You Should be Anti-Vax.” Below the article, there are hundreds of comments discrediting doctors and researchers’ qualifications. 

It’s funny how the same people who consider doctors the scum of society are the same people doctors swore to protect. I don’t want anti-vaxxers spreading misinformation. Under no circumstances should an ordinary citizen have the right or jurisdiction to spread misinformation about a vaccine when they know absolutely nothing about it. Imagine going through hell and back with trial and error to make a vaccine only to see Facebook posts discrediting all of the hard work medical professionals and scientists put in behind the scenes to protect you. 

By no means am I saying you must blindly be a follower, but rather to check your sources. Stop using propaganda you see on Facebook during your bathroom break as a valid argument not to take a vaccine. Don’t listen to your Republican uncle who washes his hands once a week or your liberal aunt who walks barefoot at your local farmers market yelling “Vaccines give people autism.” The audacity to amplify these people’s opinions over scientists and doctors is beyond me.

One may point out that most young people believe in vaccines, and to that I scoff and say, I wish. The number of people I have met my age who look me dead in the eyes and say smoking weed is more effective in curing viruses and diseases than modern medicine is baffling. These are the same right-winged men who think listening to Joe Rogan is a personality trait and that investing $10 in Dogecoin makes them an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. 

Don’t worry, I am not defending the liberal self-identified aromatherapist who wasted their vote on the Green Party and believes smoking lavender cures Covid-19. Sure, one can refute these atrocious claims with basic science, but I’ll even throw in a kind response and say, “Hey! You should listen to this podcast. It is really informative,” and send them the link to the episode — foolishly thinking they’ll actually listen to it. 

I have come to realize these people have no regard for actual science; instead, their agenda is the center of their worldview. 

Upon researching the Covid-19 vaccine, which everyone should do, anyone can determine that scientists and biologists have been studying the biological characteristics that are important for the design of this vaccine. Because of the strides that were previously made in researching SARS and MERS, the development of the Covid-19 vaccine was able to surpass some massive trial and error steps that were already ruled out by the SARS and MERS research. 

“You not only infringe on the right to live, but you deliberately spread misinformation about a vaccine developed by people who put years of education, training, and tears into your well-being.”

These people would much rather spew nonsense than actually take the time to do research. Your agenda on politics or your “herbal lifestyle” is selfish because it infringes on the right for citizens to live without the fear of contracting a virus. You not only infringe on the right to live, but you deliberately spread misinformation about a vaccine developed by people who put years of education, training, and tears into your well-being. You can choose not to take the vaccine, but stop telling people there is a microchip in the vaccine that the government will use to control you or track you.

In conclusion, my problem is with the people who think they can spread misinformation. Suppose you are anti-vax, and the reasoning involves your health or religion or, heck, even a belief I don’t believe. I will respect your decision so long as you respect mine and don’t discredit the people who have worked tirelessly for this vaccine. I absolutely cannot stand the ignorance of people that spread misinformation despite there being scientific evidence to counter their ridiculous remarks. 

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Ladann Kiassat (she/her) English & Biology, 4th Year I joined TBL because I wanted to better my journalism skills. I am most excited to foster a space for writers, illustrators, and the marketing team to push creative boundaries. I like to read books, particularly from the enlightenment era and my favorite writer is Thomas Paine, although Alexander Pope comes in at a close second. I love to run and surf, as well.


  1. I totally agree, in fact there is a lot of misinformation about these vaccines especially on Facebook and other sources of people who know nothing about the science and their scientific evidence.

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