Defending, not Defunding the University, a “Teach-In” at Campbell Hall


University of California, Santa Barbra is holding today “Defending the University: A ‘Teach-In” on the Current Crisis at Campbell Hall, an event that is both educational and political with the purpose to provide an analysis of the UC system budget crisis. The event is held from 2:30-10pm.

Panels include, Meaning of the Teach-In, The crisis at the University of California, California Politics: What Reforms Do We Need?, Breakout workshops distributed throughout campus, and Where Do We Go From Here?

You can watch the Teach-In stream live here:

Or You can Listen to the Teach-In live at KCSB:

Below is a list of times and speakers for the event today.

Starting at 3:40
-Chair: Michael Brown, UCSB, Gevirtz School of Education
-Stan Glantz, Professor of Medicine, UC San Francisco, past chair of UC  Committee on Planning and Budget: UC’s Budget Blunders
-Robert Samuels, President, UC-American Federation of Teachers: Why the furloughs are unnecessary
-Christine Petit, President, UAW Local 2865, (The union for TAs, readers and tutors); The teaching experience under stress
-Robert Meister, Professor of Ethnicity and Geography, University of Southern California: Why your tuition is rising

5:30 p.m. California Politics: What Reforms Do We Need?

-Chair: Aranye Fradenburg, Professor of English, UCSB
-Lenny Goldberg, CA Tax Reform Association: Where UC can get the money
-Ruthe Gilmore, Professor of Ethnicity and Geography, University of Southern California: The budget-draining prison complex
-Kent Wong, Director, UCLA Labor Center: A “Dream Act” for undocumented students
-Sharde Davis, UCSB: Stop Rising fees!

7-8:30 p.m. Breakout Workshops and Panels

Panels include:

“The Impact of Prisons on Education and the Way Forward in Reversing That Trend” Phelps Hall 3523
-Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Department of American Studies and Ethnicity, USC
-Craig Gilmore, Critical Resistance
-Damien Schnyder, author of First Strike: The Effect of the Prison Regime Upon Public Education and Black Masculinity in Los Angeles County, CA

“Breaking the Stalemate: the Politics of Public Education in California” Phelps Hall 3515
-Loni Hancock, California State Senator, East Bay
-Hannah-Beth Jackson, former South Coast Assemblywoman
-Das Williams, Santa Barbara City Council
-Julian Posadas, American Federation of State County and Municipal Workers

“The UC Budget and California Tax Policy” Phelps Hall 1260
-Stan Glantz, UC San Francisco
-Lenny Goldberg, California Tax Reform Association
-George Lakoff, UC Berkley

“Legislative Action: Dealing With and Against UC in Sacramento & What is Next” Phelps 1420
-Rodney Orr, Legislative Director, United Professional and Technical Employees
-Ali Cooper, Political/Legislative Director, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local 3299
-Robert Campbell, former chair of Assembly Budget Committee
-Christine Petit, President UAW Local 2865

“The California Dream Act: Help for Undocumented Students” South Hall 1431
-Kent Wong, UCLA Labor Center
-Nayra Pacheco, UCSB, IDEAS

“Save Exercise and Sports Studies!” South Hall 1609
-Erica Stenz, LeAnn Lopez, Andrea Chase, Kathleen Jequinto, Megan Killian, Adrienne Hancik, Chris Mcelhatton, and Sarah Bennett’

“How is the economic crisis impacting Black and Latino students and communities? How are students and communities responding? How should they respond?” South Hall 1430
-Clyde Woods, Black Studies, UCSB
-Gaye Johnson, Black Studies, UCSB

“How Education Actually Changes the Brain” English Department Conference Room, South Hall 2607
-Aranye Fradenburg, Department of English UCSB
-Kay Young, Department of English, UCSB
-Janis Caldwell, Department of English, UCSB

“Strategy Chart/Strategy Breakdown” Building 387, Room 104
-David Preciado, Isla Vista Tenants Union, 2008 UCSB Get-Out-the-Vote leader (This workshop teaches organizers how to develop effective strategies for their campaigns)

“University 101: Student-Friendly Breakdown of the UC System and the Budget Crisis” Campbell Hall 7pm-8pm
-Celina Ayala, External Vice Presidents of Statewide Affairs, Associated Students, UCSB
-Armando Carmona,  SIRRC, UCSB

“Campus Left: Educate and Escalate: No Surrender in Defense of Learning” Campbell Hall 8-8:30 pm

-Cathy Kwon, UCSB: An introduction to the Cmapus Left and the political struggle ahead
-Megan White, UCSB: The lessons of the 1968 campus movements at San Francisco State, UC Santa Barbara and beyond
Jeb Sprague, UCSB: Contemporary struggles at UCSC
-Mitchell Stewart, UCSB: The nature of our present predicament

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